Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year

Well its a new year... so I started a new blog since I have a feeling this year I will have a lot to write about. Let's just say that this year isn't getting off to a very good start and I am going to use this to get my thoughts out there..

I picked Aloha Jen because well because lets face it, its hard to find a blog that isn't taken, haha.. and well because I always dream of moving to Hawaii and leaving all of this behind. I am not sure if anyone will want to read what I have written but whatever.. I am sure that at times it will be funny and at times it will be sad. I am single dating near LA and lets say that is just a riot in itself. I work in an office space cube and am feeling the woes of the economy just like most people out there.

So I guess this is it.. new year.. wondering if I am still in my early 3o's or if I am transending into my mid years.. Yep while everyone around me is married producing offspring I am just moving steadily along weathering the storm of what has been the last few years of my life. There comes a time when after hearing "everything will be okay, don't worry" for about the nth time you just want to say.. REALLY...? Hmmm.. because if you have some sort of secret powers why don't you whip out your crystal ball and give me the next winning lotto numbers... huh? Or shut the %&*$ up comes to mind as well... Especially after my New Year's has started off with words like short sale, foreclosure and tears.. How I got here well that starts like four years ago with CJ (cheating jerk) but thats for another day..

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