Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Next stop is.. oh wait where is the destination

I once got a card from my parents that had some inspirational wording on the front.  Reminds me that I read that card again.. It has one of my favorite sayings and something that I try to remind myself of. 
-Happiness is a journey, not a destination....

I sure as hell have been on some kind of journey.  I am most certainly not in the place that I thought I would be five years ago, at this point destination is unknown.  I have tried to not let the journey break me, although there are times when I doubt the whole saying what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.  I wish I could say that I am stronger becuase of what I have been through and what I am about to endure.  I have been broken down financially, physically and emotionally.  Think positive has not always worked becuase lets face it sometimes we are pissed and upset and part of letting it go is to cry your eyes out.  Keeping that sadness and frustration is sometimes a burden.  You are supposed to be strong, suck it up, get through it and be stronger. Letting go is always the hardest part.  Realizing you have a lot to let go of was pretty hard too..

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